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PM Research Milling Machine KIT
Item no. MM-1
1 in stock
Un-machined Kit.Milling Machine KitACTUAL WORKING MODEL OF AN 1890's MILLING MACHINENOTE: Machining &Assembly required.No machine shop is complete without a Milling Machine. So, here it is - and it is a beauty! This milling machine is a 1/12th scale replica of the Small Universal Milling Machine found in the "Construction & Use of Universal Milling Machines," Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co. We also received information for the production of this milling machine from the Henry Ford Museum The milling machine measures approximately 4⅛" high, 4¼" long and 3½" wide.The kit is complete with ten easy machining aluminium castings, all the required hardware, material, bar stock, pre-cut gear stock, finished mitre gears and complete working drawings.
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