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PM Research Engine Lathe KIT
Item no. EL-1
1 in stock
Un-machined Kit.Engine Lathe KitACTUAL WORKING MODEL OF AN 1890's ENGINE LATHENOTE: Machining & Assembly required.This Engine Lathe actually performs work like its full-size counterpart!This lathe is a 1/12th scale replica, measuring 3½" in length and 4½" in height.Team this lathe up with the PM Research DP-1 drill press and our line shaft accessories and you will have the beginning of your own model machine shop.The kit complete with nineteen easy machining aluminium castings, plus all the required hardware, material, bar stock, gear stock and complete working drawings. The kit includes a cone pulley for the jack shaft and chuck material. Line shaft bearing block hangers, pulleys and shaft are available as separate accessories.
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