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PM Research Drill Press
PM Research Drill Press
In stock
Item no. DP-1
1 in stock
Un-machined KitDrill Press KitACTUAL WORKING MODEL OF AN 1890's DRILL PRESSNOTE: Machining &Assembly required.This drill press was scaled down to 1/12th scale from the J.E. Snyder Company, 21" upright drill press as found in illustration in the "Charles A. Strelinger Company" catalogue of 1895 The drill press measures 6½" high.Picture this in your mind! A display representing an 1895 machine shop with wooden beam construction. At one end is the engine room, complete with one of our #5 engines and our part no BLR-1 or BLR-2 boilers. Then the rest of the 1895 machine shop with our beautiful little DP-1 drill press working away alongside our superb EL-1 model lathe. What a sight! But wait, there's more! Much more to come. Build your machine shop with expansion in mind; because we plan to expand this machine tool line.Kit complete with thirteen easy machining aluminium castings, all the required hardware, material, bar stock, pre-cut gear stock, finished bevel gears, and complete working drawings.
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